Sunday, January 30, 2011

Marathon Training: Week 1 Complete

I've completed week 1 of my marathon training plan. Piece of cake really, since it's not too different from what I've been doing for the past year now. I've got a few more weeks before my mileage starts picking up on my long runs to where I really start feeling the endurance part kicking in.

On my first run, a 5 mile tempo run, I finally reached my appropriate pace to where I can now start working on decreasing my heart rate over the coming weeks. My pace ended up being about an 8:13 on the treadmill, hopefully as I am able to switch back to outdoor runs I'll be able to get that down to 8:10 for the duration of my training plan. Eventually my tempo runs will increase to 6, 7 and then finally 8 miles for the last few weeks of the plan.

The second run this week was speed work, 1600s, and I finally reached an appropriate pace for those as well, about a 7:50. I'm looking forward to working on these and getting my heart rate down a bit there as well. Next week I'll be doing some 400s and hopefully will break the 7:30 I did last time.

Finally, my third run was the long run, but only 8 miles. I'm still working on establishing an appropriate pace for these long, steady runs but I'm looking at about a 10:00 for now. We'll see how things progress whether or not I'll be able to sustain that speed through the longer runs.

I'm very much looking forward to the rest of my training and seeing how I progress. I've got 3 races planned before the marathon, hopefully those will aid in my training.

And now it's time for me to enjoy that cup of coffee I've been ignoring since I decided to start this new runner's blog!

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