Monday, May 30, 2011

I'm a Marathoner!

Well it's official, on Saturday, May 28th 2011 I became a Marathoner. Never in my life could I imagine ever saying those words! It's truly been an awesome experience and a huge accomplishment for me. I'm so proud of myself!

The day started out very early, up at 5am with hardly 2 hours of sleep the night before. The forecast called for rain and mid 50s, good temps but I wasn't excited about the rain. My husband and I packed up the car and headed to the start. I had my first water bottle with gu packets and two additional ones for him and my friends to hand off to me at mile marker 11 and 19. Steve was there with me at the start, where it began to rain. We brought an umbrella and he snapped a pic of me huddled under it trying to stay as dry as possible.

People were wearing trash bags and all sorts of other things trying to do the same. As the time drew nearer to the gun, people started crowding together near the start line.

The race started at 7am sharp. Everyone took off fast, as usual, I did the same but quickly checked myself and eased up. The first 5 miles were a struggle to maintain my pace, I kept speeding up and having to slow down. It was at the forefront of my mind to "stick to my goal pace" as per my coach's instructions. ;)

The route was great, mostly flat with the occasional small hill. We went through small neighborhoods and along the coast of the bay. Due to the weather there was a dense fog across the water which was strangely comforting. It continued to drizzle a bit but soon the rain eased up and it was decent. 

Through mile 10 I was still feeling strong, as soon as I realized I was about to meet up with Steve, Becky and Paul I got very excited and couldn't control my pace. I believe mile 11 was close to 15 seconds faster than it was supposed to be, likely a mistake I would regret later, but it was such a boost to see them and hear them cheering for me! A couple miles later I was at the halfway/turn around point, ok, now I have to do that all over again... I was a little worried to say the least. I was really feeling it now.

For the next 6 miles I was counting down to mile 19 when I would see my friends again. I had to really focus to maintain my goal pace, and not because I was going too fast anymore. I looked forward to the miles I could have my gu packet as something to "do" and focus on during those long stretches. I finally made it to mile 19 and tried to look strong for everyone. We did the bottle exchange again without issue and I was able to smile from the cheering again. Ok, another gu packet and now I'm only 7 miles to the finish.

At mile 21 I really started to get worried... my pace was slowing and my legs were not happy. Mile 22 and 23 were just as hard. I felt a pain in my right hip that started to concern me, but I tried to ignore it. As I approached mile 24 I made a decision that I had to push it. I would never hit my goal if I kept slowing down. I sucked it up as best I could and pushed through the pain. Somehow I managed to pick the speed back up again within a few seconds of my goal pace. As I rounded a corner into what I knew was the last leg, less than a mile to go, I tried to push even more. I managed an increase for a minute or two and then I felt myself slowing again. Damn, it's just around the corner but I was really struggling. Then I saw the track, the finish line was on the local high school track, .2 to go, I kicked it into high gear and charged down that track. I was owning it, full out as fast as I could. Yes!! I made it! I hear Steve and Becky cheering me on from the stands and I just kept going all the way across the finish. I managed close to a 7:35 pace for that last stretch.

And then I collapsed. 

Ha, just kidding! :) I was so impressed with myself that I didn't though!! I hobbled through the chute, collected my medal and water bottle all the way out of the stadium area. I was damp, cold and exhausted, but I did it. I ran a marathon. My time was 3:56:05, 6 seconds shy of my 3:55 goal, but who cares. This was my first marathon and I'm damn proud of that time. 

Next stop, CIM in December, where my goal will be to qualify for Boston :)

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